Image of SKRIPSI : Hubungan pengetahuan dan sikap remaja puteri terhadap perilaku sadari sebagai upaya deteksi dini kanker payudara di SMA Pondok Pesantren Puteri Ummul Mukminin


SKRIPSI : Hubungan pengetahuan dan sikap remaja puteri terhadap perilaku sadari sebagai upaya deteksi dini kanker payudara di SMA Pondok Pesantren Puteri Ummul Mukminin

Background : Breast cancer is one of common cancer in woman. Nowadays, breast cancer is the second caused of mortality in woman cancer, following cervix cancer. The patient always come with late stage due to unaware of early stage in breast cancer.

Study Aim : To know the correlation of knowledge and female student attitude of BSE behavior as an early detection of breast cancer at Senior High School Of Ummul Mukminin Boarding School. Study Method : This is an analytical survey reaserch with cross sectional study approach in 89 respondents and collecting the sample by random sampling. The data obtained in questioner from that analyzed in univariate and bivariate used chi-square alternative test with the p value = 0,05.

Result : The result showed that knowledge of BSE is less (76,4%), the attitude of BSE is good (80,9%), behavior of BSE is less (92,1%), the correlation between knowledge and behavior of BSE obtained p value = 0,666, the correlation between attitude and behavior of BSE obtained p value = 0,615.

Conclusion : There is no correlation between the knowledge and behavior of BSE with the p value = 0,666 (p>0,05), and there is no correlation between attitude and behavior of BSE with the p value 0,615 (p>0,05).

Keywords : Knowledge, attitude, behavior, BSE, Adolescent.


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